Our activities
" 2016 "
Visit of nursing students from Erasmus Hogeschool
The EH students were informed on how our medical centre works. They had the opportunity of talking to the medical and paramedical team, especially about the role of a nurse in a multidisciplinary centre.
NEW: Dentist at MediSina
Starting from July 2016, you can now make an appointment with our dentist.
Humanitarian mission to Kenya
MediSina has once again participated in a humanitarian project that has taken place in the city of Malindi, in Kenya. During almost 10 days, our medical team has provided healthcare to the population. They have also visited orphanages, where they have distributed toys, treats, and clothing to the children.
Info session: Hand hygiene
As part of their project, nursing students have given an info session on the theme “Hand hygiene” to the MediSina team.
A campaign on “How to recognise a stroke” has been launched in MediSina
A campaign on “How to recognise a stroke” has been launched in MediSina, with the help of the minister Mr. Jo Vandeurzen.
Oftentimes, the patient and the ones close to them do not recognise the symptoms. However, time is of the utmost importance, because the patient needs to be hospitalised within three hours! This is critical in order to save lives and to avoid the complications that can show up after having a stroke. After three hours later it might be too late to achieve these goals.
In order to quickly recognise a stroke, you can use a simple test: the FAST-test:
- F: Face – look for asymmetries in the mouth corners
- A: Arm – see if there is a lack of strength in one of the arms or in one full side of the body
- S: Speech – listen for slurred or meaningless speech
- T: Time – react quickly, every minute counts!